Life As We Know It

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on UnsplashThis post has been a long time coming and it's been percolating in my head for a while. It's been years since I have written a post but this blog has never been far from my mind. I always knew I would come back to it someday.I just knew I couldn't write until I had a more settled understanding of myself and my family. After our big move to Michigan a few years ago, I was dealing with a severe back pain issue along with all the post-move adjustments that came to our family. I was depressed...

New Year, New House

Michigan Ranch style home with cedar siding with trees and brick driveway Last year I kinda sorta gave up on writing. Not completely though because I'm stubborn. And because I do so love writing, especially research papers(totally not being sarcastic, I love research papers). Yet here I am again. Because I'm stubborn. I'm certain that my innate stubbornness is one of the main reasons I made it through last year. It's been nearly that long since my last post and so much has happened in that time. It's been a year full of stress, anxiety, depression, pain, and upheaval.  Last summer, we said goodbye to Virginia and moved to our place in Michigan. When we first...

Choosing the Right Cotton Sheets

choosing the right cotton sheets for you Have you ever been confused with all the different kinds of cotton sheets out there? All the labels touting thread count, percale, and Pima. It can be confusing. For me, I'm all about soft, smooth sheets and I couldn't care less about wrinkles. They get wrinkly when you sleep on them anyway. Other people like sheets to feel crisp and, for some reason I shall never understand, feel the need to iron them. So how can you know what you're getting before you buy? ...

I Need Your Help!

Some of you may have noticed a few glitches on the site over the last couple days. This is because  Google recently made a secure https setting available for bloggers who use Google for hosting. I have made this switch, and I need your help to find any issues resulting from it! Some of you may have noticed a few glitches on the site over the last couple days. This is because Google recently made a secure https setting available for bloggers who use Google for hosting. This means that my blog will now use a secured https url and my blog will no longer show the unsecure message in a Chrome browser. I have made this switch, but I'm noticing issues as a result and I am working on correcting them.  You may notice that some of the links, share buttons, images, etc., are not functioning. Some I have noticed already but I'm...

5 Things You Might Not Know About Me

Some of you that have been here a while may have picked up on some of my quirks already but I know there are some new readers here too. Since you are here to read my words, I'd like you to get to know the person behind them! Here are 5 things that you might not know about me. *This post may contain affiliate ads I'm not much of a voluntary sharer. I probably should have thought about that a little more before deciding to write and publish anything but here we are! And I'm so glad you are. I don't write this kind of post very often. I tend to have a hard time finding that happy medium between too little and too much info sharing so I'm hoping that I've managed to do that without completely embarrassing myself! Some of you that have been here a while may have picked up on some of my quirks already but I...

Top 10 Favorite Decorative Pillows from Amazon(and Four Ideas for Styling)

Finding pillows on Amazon can be daunting. Here is my list of top 10 favorite decorative pillows for Amazon and even four ideas for styling them! Are you more of a Modern Glam Farmhouse person? Or maybe Romantic Cottage is your thing? I am a pillow hoarder. Hubby and his friends say that I need an intervention. Apparently it's hard for them to sit comfortably when there are pillows on the couch. For me, sinking into fluffy pillows is the definition of comfort and coziness. Plus, they are such an easy and relatively cheap way to change up a room. Because I love pillows so much, I am always looking for new ones to add to my hoard carefully curated collection of decorative throw pillows. Target, H&M, and Marshalls's are my favorite places for pretty pillows. Ikea even has some good ones and that's usually...

My Word of the Year for 2018

My word of the year for 2018 is Intentional, which means by intention or design. Perhaps it's a bit late to be writing a word of the year post. This one particular post for me is always late, usually because I only get to slow down and think about it after the craziness of the holidays. This year we've been sick since Christmas and no one feels like writing about goals while one is laid up with the flu. But we are finally starting to get better around here though and I'm finally feeling more myself. As I stand here in the new year and look back at 2017, realize what a wild ride it was....